In personal prayer we get to know who God is and are reminded of who we are as His son or daughter.
We can't really say we're in relationship with someone who we never spend time with or never talk to. Same with God.
Personal prayer is spending 1-on-1 time with God.
It's taking time to get to know who God is, to recieve all He wants to share with us, and to share ourselves with God in response.
It is a conversation with the God who loves us and gives us life.
When we gather together- just hanging out, serving together, and in worship- we invite God to be with us through prayer.
In prayer we turn to God for what we need, lift up our joys in thanksgiving, and seek God's wisdom & guidance for all we do.
"Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Jesus - Matthew 18:20